The world’s first autonomous gas wells powered by 100% renewable energy

After several years of cooperation between IPS and Saudi Aramco on analyzing the specific needs for critical Oil & Gas infrastructure and harsh environmental conditions, the Oil & Gas Giant and its contractor, the Canadian SNC Lavalin, have entrusted IPS to deploy a new stand-alone solar photovoltaic (PV) and battery storage system to supply power to eleven gas well facilities, located in a remote desert area in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The purpose of the project was to eliminate the use of diesel generator use thus optimizing the OPEX, securing reliability and build the foundation of the Oil & Gas sector Decarbonization.

I had the pleasure to be the Project Manager of this multi-million project. We successfully delivered a complete solution on time, despite all the operational and logistical issues that we faced due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Each site included also 122 kWp solar power and 2 MWh battery capacity ensuring 5 days back-up power.